3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

3 zone cymbals, Yamaha style. Do you want me to add support for them in MegaDrum?

I have both MegaDrum and Yamaha cymbals, please do it.
I have Yamaha cymbal. Lack of Yamaha 3 zone cymbals support is a showstopper for building MegaDrum.
I have MegaDrum. If you do it, I'll buy 3 zone cymbals Yamaha style.
I have MegaDrum. I'll live happily without support for such cymbals.
If you do it, I will rebuild all my DIY cymbals to have the Yamaha 3zone design.
I have neither of them, only 2 (3 at most) persons have MegaDrum, your poll is stupid.
No votes
Stop whining, just do it.
Total votes : 92

Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:32 pm

You must remember that I do 3-zone testing on a mock device shown in http://www.megadrum.info/forums/viewtop ... 6726#p6726

With this mock device I get reliable edge/bell sounds when I set Threshold to 35-40 on the Edge and BThreshold to 15-25. This is with the default Gain 4 on the Edge.
If I set Gain to 8 on the Edge I get reliable edge/bell sounds when I set Threshold to 60-70 on the Edge and BThreshold to 25-50.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby macca2004 » Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:09 pm

Yamaha uses a 10k resistor on one of the switches...does megadrum also read the resistance difference between each switch?
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:51 pm

macca2004 wrote:Yamaha uses a 10k resistor on one of the switches...does megadrum also read the resistance difference between each switch?

This is how I made this mock device, with a 10k resistor.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby macca2004 » Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:04 pm

dmitri wrote:
macca2004 wrote:Yamaha uses a 10k resistor on one of the switches...does megadrum also read the resistance difference between each switch?

This is how I made this mock device, with a 10k resistor.

Sorry I didn't see it on your photos..

Considering how many people have viewed this thread, you would think one or two would have perfect settings they would want to share :(
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby r0bbie » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:49 pm


Would some scope readings from the piezo and switches help you to analyze this problem?

42 pro votes and no positive respons with good settings is a bit strange?
If it ain't broken try to improve it.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:57 pm

r0bbie wrote:Dmitri,

Would some scope readings from the piezo and switches help you to analyze this problem?

No, it won't. As I said it works reliably with the mock device but it took many trials to achieve this and a scope readings wouldn't have helped with trials.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby elrules » Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:10 pm

r0bbie wrote:42 pro votes and no positive respons with good settings is a bit strange?

Take a look at this video:

I successfully configured my pcy150s. It didn't take much time. I used settings similar to what dmitri recommends.

By the way, the cymbal has a variable resistor that can be tweaked without opening it. I turned it to maximum (or minimum, I don't really know :lol: )
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby macca2004 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:22 pm

I'm not sure if it's the youtube video, but the bow doesnt seem very sensitive...Whats your threshold level on the bow.maybe mine is too low.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby elrules » Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:49 pm

macca2004 wrote:I'm not sure if it's the youtube video, but the bow doesnt seem very sensitive...Whats your threshold level on the bow.maybe mine is too low.
It is due to a combination of crappy youtube video conversion, crappy digital camera microphone, and that I didn't do many soft hits. All of them were medium to high strength. If you see, at the beginning of the video, I play from low to high. It may also be due to Superior Drummer, but I remember to had good sensitivity range. My threshold, if I remember well, was 40 or something like that, almost the default value.

EDIT: I remember now, to have discussed this problem with dmitri before. I think triggering got better when I turned the pot of the cymbal to have the lowest possible sensitivity out of the cymbal, and I used a Gain of 4 or more. That was the trick. With a Gain of 0 (which I needed for almost all my pads as they are a bit hot), the zone separation was inconsistent. But thanks to the built-in variable resistor in the cymbal, I was able to up the Gain value.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby macca2004 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:34 pm

so what was your final highlevel setting when your gain was 4? Mines around 500 at gain 3...none of my yammie pads seem hot.
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