3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

3 zone cymbals, Yamaha style. Do you want me to add support for them in MegaDrum?

I have both MegaDrum and Yamaha cymbals, please do it.
I have Yamaha cymbal. Lack of Yamaha 3 zone cymbals support is a showstopper for building MegaDrum.
I have MegaDrum. If you do it, I'll buy 3 zone cymbals Yamaha style.
I have MegaDrum. I'll live happily without support for such cymbals.
If you do it, I will rebuild all my DIY cymbals to have the Yamaha 3zone design.
I have neither of them, only 2 (3 at most) persons have MegaDrum, your poll is stupid.
No votes
Stop whining, just do it.
Total votes : 92

Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby elrules » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:19 pm

Do you use auto high level? I don´t use auto high level, specially in the edge input. That can waste the configuration. I always set it to manual, then to the highest level (1023) on both (bow and edge). I set Gain at 4 at least, and then I hit the pad full strength, and start tweaking the high level of bow and edge, till I get around 120-127 velocity notes for that strength
How do you do it?
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby macca2004 » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:07 am

elrules wrote:Do you use auto high level? I don´t use auto high level, specially in the edge input. That can waste the configuration. I always set it to manual, then to the highest level (1023) on both (bow and edge). I set Gain at 4 at least, and then I hit the pad full strength, and start tweaking the high level of bow and edge, till I get around 120-127 velocity notes for that strength
How do you do it?

I use autohighlvl then tweak the settings the same way you do. Although I also tend to use superior velocity settings to tweak more than MD.

I'm not sure how highlvl works with piezo/switch as in reality there is only one piezo. Striking the edge away from the piezo will result in a slightly lower highlevel, but probably not by much as the surface area is not that large.

As the module first identifies which switch has been activated THEN determines velocity data from the level of the hit...i'm tending to think that gain and level have no effect on piezo/switch seperation.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:25 am

macca2004 wrote:As the module first identifies which switch has been activated THEN determines velocity data from the level of the hit...i'm tending to think that gain and level have no effect on piezo/switch seperation.

Gain level on the Edge channel effects at what Threshold/BThreshold edge/bell switches are detected to make connection.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby macca2004 » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:32 am

dmitri wrote:
macca2004 wrote:As the module first identifies which switch has been activated THEN determines velocity data from the level of the hit...i'm tending to think that gain and level have no effect on piezo/switch seperation.

Gain level on the Edge channel effects at what Threshold/BThreshold edge/bell switches are detected to make connection.

I really meant to say that gain/level probably has no effect on switch/switch seperation not piezo/switch...whoops!!
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:38 am

macca2004 wrote:I really meant to say that gain/level probably has no effect on switch/switch seperation not piezo/switch...whoops!!

It does have an effect. The lower Gain, the lower Threshold/BThreshold separation you can set and vice versa.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby r0bbie » Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:11 pm

Elrules, the separation for edge/ bell on your video looks good, I have been tweaking for another hour with the settings you sugested, still no joy :( Would you be so kind to post all your cymbal settings?

Macca, did you have any luck?
If it ain't broken try to improve it.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:16 pm

I now have a real 3 zone cymbal - PCY135.
r0bbie, many thanks for this generous contribution to the MegaDrum project!

I will now test my module with it and if needed will make changes to the MegaDrum firmware.
And the mock device may now rest in peace.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:53 pm

After a brief test yesterday I can confirm there is an issue with the edge being triggered when hitting the bell. I'm going to look into this.

Apart from that I have a question about edge/bell zones on Yamaha cymbals. I'm comparing the PCY135 cymbal with a dual zone Pintech cymbal. I noticed straight away that with the Yamaha PCY135 I have to hit the edge or the bell really strong for the edge/bell switches to make whereas with the Pintech cymbal the edge switch is very responsive even to light hits. Is it a common experience with Yamaha cymbals?
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby elrules » Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:28 pm

Film switches are a bit crappy on Yamaha and Roland. I heard that Smartriggers and even Pintechs had better edge switches.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby macca2004 » Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:30 pm

I dont think they are hard to trigger..in fact just lightly touching the bell with finger triggers aftertouch messages for me. Well they are much better than my milleniums :lol:

Robbie thanks for sending a yammie to Dmitri...now I know this little issue will be fixed
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