isque wrote:Thanks both Dmitri & Jman 31,now i c the more.But in this topic's PCB design by Dmitri can be printed?it is stable?
Firelord wrote:isque wrote:Thanks both Dmitri & Jman 31,now i c the more.But in this topic's PCB design by Dmitri can be printed?it is stable?
Yes, you can use the provided PDF/KiCad files to print the layout, just make sure that the printed image is not scaled (i.e. it must be a 1:1 print).
Firelord wrote:isque wrote:Thanks both Dmitri & Jman 31,now i c the more.But in this topic's PCB design by Dmitri can be printed?it is stable?
Yes, you can use the provided PDF/KiCad files to print the layout, just make sure that the printed image is not scaled (i.e. it must be a 1:1 print).
By measuring the board dimensions. Here's what I got:isque wrote:HI,Firelord,I have an other question,How can i know the size of this topic's PCB design by Dmitri.
jplavareda wrote:Hi all! I have some questions:
1- In case I use 4851 instead of 4051, should i leave the spaces for bat85 empty or should i jumper them?
2- I would like to "DIY" my own megadrum, but i think that 32 inputs are too many for my needs. What should i do if i´m planning to build 16 inputs only?
3- Is this the right atmega chip:,product,01M6898,1271.aspx
4- Is 6n138n equal to 6n138 ?
5- The pads are made with piezos, right?
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