3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

3 zone cymbals, Yamaha style. Do you want me to add support for them in MegaDrum?

I have both MegaDrum and Yamaha cymbals, please do it.
I have Yamaha cymbal. Lack of Yamaha 3 zone cymbals support is a showstopper for building MegaDrum.
I have MegaDrum. If you do it, I'll buy 3 zone cymbals Yamaha style.
I have MegaDrum. I'll live happily without support for such cymbals.
If you do it, I will rebuild all my DIY cymbals to have the Yamaha 3zone design.
I have neither of them, only 2 (3 at most) persons have MegaDrum, your poll is stupid.
No votes
Stop whining, just do it.
Total votes : 92

Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby gastric » Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:55 pm

For those interested in trying to build a piezo based Yamaha style 3-zone Keith Raper has provided, built, and tested the following schematic with a Yamaha DTXpress. It uses piezos and his piezo-to-switch circuits to provide the bell/edge switch signals to the module. http://dtxpander.co.uk/DKDI-31.pdf

I have already posted a 3 zone circuit on the DTXpress Yahoo group http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/DTXpress/files/ & here: http://dtxpander.co.uk/links.html

All you need to do is add another switch circuit with a 10k resistor in series with the transistor collector. Works fine with the Yamaha DTXpress - I have built it.

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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby alchemicus » Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:46 am

so Yamaha pcy150 is fully supported in all in one by synthex ?? i found one 50€ ! can i buy it?
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:17 am

alchemicus wrote:so Yamaha pcy150 is fully supported in all in one by synthex ?? i found one 50€ ! can i buy it?

If it is a standard Yamaha piezo/switch/switch cymbal, then it is fully supported.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby Nafram » Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:55 pm

Hi guys, i did not want to start a new topic beause my question seems to fit in this one:

I just set up my yamaha 3 zone ride (PCY-155), it's a piezo/switch/switch pad, and i encountered some problems: Somtimes when i hit the Bell i get the edge sound and vice versa, but this seems to be Threshold related and i will figure it out. (The set up for the cymbal is the same as described previously in this thread, i just played around with the three tresholds a little bit.

But: everytime i touch/choke the edge and after this hit the edge i'm able to get the edge sound very easy (by each hit).
Then i hit the bell and i get the bell sound,
but after this i'm also geting the bell sound on the edge,
untill i choke the cymbal and the whole thing starts over again.

When i realised this i looked at the midi notes and by choking the cymbal i get a regular Aftertouch ON message, but no Aftertouch OFF message (same for both switches).
The Aftertouch OFF message is send directly after the next hit on the cymbal.

I considered my cymbal to be broken, but when i measure the resitance between ring and sleeve, i get 0 Ohm by pressing the bell switch and 10 kOhm by pressing the edge switch. Both values go back to "OFFLIMIT" immedeatly after releasing the switches.

I don't know if i missed a point or i'm doing something wrong...?


P.S.: I have the Synthex all-in-one 2.8 Kit; Firmware is: 20090306
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:21 am

Your Threshold at least for the edge (and probably BThreshold) is not set correctly. When you choke (press the edge switch) you should see 3 Aftertouch On messages and when you release the edge switch you should see 3 Aftertouch OFF messages. See http://www.megadrum.info/content/pads-settings
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby Nafram » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:39 am

Oh, Thanks. I wasn't aware of that also the aftertouch off notes depend on the treshold.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby r0bbie » Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:58 am

Hello all,
I have made the step and threw my DIY cymbals in the corner and purchased myself a bunch of nice Yamaha cymbals.
I have two PCY-150S and one PCY-135 all 3zone cymbals.
I have been tweaking for a few days now but to me it seems impossible to get perfect separation.
Edge and bow works fine but with the bell I get for about 20% of the hits the edge sound.
I have been searching and reading all over this forum and have set everything as explained but no luck.
Is there anybody who has hit the sweet spot with Yamaha?
Please post your settings.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby dmitri » Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:56 am

Post your settings.
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby macca2004 » Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:29 pm

Same thing for me....

I have three 135's and one 155...and can't set the bell reliably on any.

Edge and bow are fine but bell will only sound about 50% of the time, the other 50% triggers the edge. I've been using my ride as dual zone. I give the edge the bell sound and then all strikes on the bell fire as a bell sound, and it's super playable too...Still would be nice to have all 3 zones though.

I'm not home to post my settings but I set it up using midi-ox like this

I set my bow threshold to around 30
I increased the edge threshold until I got reliable aftertough messages. Think it was around 48-54..
Then adjusted bthreshold for the bell. Around the 18-22 mark.

No joy...and I must have had those thresholds in every permutation you could think of!! :)
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Re: 3 zone cymbal support, Yamaha style. How many of you need it

Postby r0bbie » Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:33 pm

I have been trying to setup the both PCY-150s cymbals on the crash and the ride input.

I started with finding the correct E thresholdlevel by squeezing the edge and monitoring after touch midi, aftertouch messages are send between E threshold level 40 and 65. Then I started hitting the bell switch while changing Bthreshold between 1 and 65, no luck, as I wrote about 20% of the bell hits triggers edge.
My settings are;


Further I have noticed strange behavior, with quick access enabled in the Ride E Bthreshold settings screen, when hitting the bow (with the HH pedal down) the screen jumps to Ride B Bthreshold .
I also noticed that aftertouch messages are also send when pressing and releasing the bell switch.
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